GAME OVER!! Billionaire Kidnapper Evans Must Die By Hanging, You Won’t Believe What Court Today Ruled Against Him {Must See} Graduate Scholarship for International Students

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 Applications are invited for Graduate School of Science Scholarship for International Students at the University of Tokyo in Japan. Scholarships are available to pursue master degree programme. 
Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, the alleged billionaire kidnapper popularly called Evans, has lost as Justice Oluwatoyin Taiwo of the Lagos state high court, Igbosere, ruled on Friday, November 10, 2017, that he and his suspected accomplices all have cases to answer.
The judge’s ruling came as Evans and the suspected accomplices face two separate charges filed against them by the Lagos state government.
The court also....Cl1ck Be110w to continue reading....

GAME OVER!! Billionaire Kidnapper Evans Must Die By Hanging, You Won’t Believe What Court Today Ruled Against Him {Must See} Graduate Scholarship for International Students GAME OVER!! Billionaire Kidnapper Evans Must Die By Hanging, You Won’t Believe What Court Today Ruled Against Him {Must See} Graduate Scholarship for International Students Reviewed by Admin on 11:56 Rating: 5

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